Our work began in the Flora Tristán English School in 2008. Wishing to have a larger impact in the community, a group that included school staff and volunteers established HOOP as a registered Peruvian non-profit organisation in 2012. Our five co-founders shared a vision for the organisation that would help ensure its work in the community would be meaningful, ethical and long-lasting. HOOP has continued to grow ever since. As well as our programs, workshops and assessment for the development of our participants.

Flora Tristán is a community of people who took the bold step of migrating to Arequipa in search of a better life. While this has improved prospects for some, the community continues to suffer from a lack of self development opportunities: most of the mothers in the community did not progress beyond primary education, and more than half remain unemployed. Many children in the community don’t have access to adequate education.Our work is focused on providing the community with the advice necessary for them to overcome obstacles and develop personally and socially.